
When I was a child I was obssessed with video games. When I purchased my first console, I remember grabbing a large container and saving money as I would complete various tasks around the house and in other places. Every time I would play a new game I was fascinated by the graphics, During those years I knew I was going to be a video game designer. As I grew up I was heavily influenced by my father to become a Firefighter. Since then I came to the conclusion to pursue in my father's foot steps.  

Since I was a child I was influenced by my father who is currently a Firefighter and Paramedic and decided to follow his footsteps and also become a Firefighter and Paramedic when I grow older. I have been playing with toy fire trucks since I was a child and I have many memories of going to the fire stations and sitting in the driver’s seat of the fire trucks and playing with the fire hoses.

I have chosen this path, as my future career because I believe it is a very noble career. What could be more noble than putting your own life on the line in order to save the lives of others. The main part of the job is to serve the public and save lives. This could range from being in a fire, saving someone having a heart attack, or even saving a child from drowning. the possibilities are endless.

This is a career that requires many different skills. Not only do you have to be in great shape in order to perform to your fullest potential, but you also need to have a lot of medical knowledge to help all the sick people and provide them with the medical care. Another area that is very helpful to know is Chemistry because you could become a Hazardous Material Technician and deal with radiological, biological, or chemical substances. 

Future Goals


Becoming a Firefighter/Paramedic

All my life I’ve always wanted to become a Firefighter/Paramedic. I've been motivated to become one ever since the days I've seen my father come home after 24 hour shifts. My father has been such a large influence in my life. My father has recently added me in a fire cadet program which will allow me to become introduced to all the items that I will see on the field. This will allow me to become ahead of all the other cadets when I apply for firefighter school.


Completing all my industry certifications

In Miami Arts Studio 6-12 we can complete industry certifications such as Photoshop, Illustrator and much more. This will allow me to complete certifications to that will give me the opportunity to get a job regarding the field that I want to apply in.

Video Game Designer

Becoming a Video Game Designer

I have always been fasinated when it came to the quality of the graphics in video games. The way that video games operate and the way that they are produced. I always wanted to be hired in a well known game industry that specialized in the game genre that I was interested in. With all the industry certifications that I'm achieving I'll have a larger chance of getting selected compared to a individual that has nothing.

Graphic Designer

Becoming a Graphic Designer

With the time that I have been with Miami Arts Studio I have come to realized that I can get a job in this field. I have common knowledge regarding all the Adobe products. I also have a lot experience since all years that I have been attending my school..

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